[Alex Kyriakidis, Kostas Maniatis, и Evan You] The majesty of Vue.js 2 (2017)

Авторы: Alex Kyriakidis, Kostas Maniatis, и Evan You
Книга: The majesty of Vue.js 2
Язык: Английский
Дата выпуска: 20.07.2017


Эта книга - обновлённая версия книги The Majesty of Vue.js, которая была продана в виде 700.000 копий, и считается одной из лучших книг по фрэймворку Vue.js. Эта книга была обновлена, чтобы учитывать изменения в Vue.js 2.
Эта книга была сделана для всех тех, кто интересуется в изучении Vue.js. Книга будет полезна как новичкам, так и не новым разработчикам, которые хотят улучшить свои познания в Vue.js.

  • Introduction
    • About Vue.js
      • Vue.js Overview
      • What people say about Vue.js
      • Comparison with Other Frameworks
        • Angular 1
        • Angular 2
        • React
        • Ember
        • Polymer
        • Riot
    • Welcome
      • About the Book
      • Who is this Book for
      • Get In Touch
      • Homework
      • Sample Code
      • Errata
      • Conventions
  • I Vue.js Fundamentals
    • 1. Install Vue.js
      • 1.1 Standalone Version
        • 1.1.1 Download from vuejs.org
        • 1.1.2 Include from CDN
      • 1.2 Download using NPM
      • 1.3 Download using Bower
    • 2. Getting Started
      • 2.1 Hello World
      • 2.2 Two-way Binding
      • 2.3 Comparison with jQuery.
      • 2.4 Homework
    • 3. A Flavor of Directives.
      • 3.1 v-show
      • 3.2 v-if
        • 3.2.1 Template v-if
      • 3.3 v-else
      • 3.4 v-if vs. v-show
      • 3.5 Homework
    • 4. List Rendering
      • 4.1 Install & Use Bootstrap
      • 4.2 v-for
        • 4.2.1 Range v-for
      • 4.3 Array Rendering
        • 4.3.1 Loop Through an Array
        • 4.3.2 Loop Through an Array of Objects
      • 4.4 Object v-for
      • 4.5 Homework
    • 5. Interactivity
      • 5.1 Event Handling
        • 5.1.1 Handling Events Inline
        • 5.1.2 Handling Events using Methods
        • 5.1.3 Shorthand for v-on
      • 5.2 Event Modifiers
      • 5.3 Key Modifiers
      • 5.4 Computed Properties
      • 5.5 Homework
    • 6. Filters
      • 6.1 Filtered Results
        • 6.1.1 Using Computed Properties
      • 6.2 Ordered Results
      • 6.3 Custom Filters
      • 6.4 Utility Libraries
      • 6.5 Homework
    • 7. Components
      • 7.1 What are Components?
      • 7.2 Using Components
      • 7.3 Templates
      • 7.4 Properties
      • 7.5 Reusability
      • 7.6 Altogether
      • 7.7 Homework
    • 8. Custom Events
      • 8.1 Emit and Listen
        • 8.1.1 Lifecycle Hooks
      • 8.2 Parent-Child Communication
      • 8.3 Passing Arguments
      • 8.4 Non Parent-Child Communication
      • 8.5 Removing Event Listeners
      • 8.6 Back to stories
      • 8.7 Homework
    • 9. Class and Style Bindings
      • 9.1 Class binding
        • 9.1.1 Object Syntax
        • 9.1.2 Array Syntax
      • 9.2 Style binding
        • 9.2.1 Object Syntax
        • 9.2.2 Array Syntax
      • 9.3 Bindings in Action
      • 9.4 Homework
  • II Consuming an API
    • 10. Preface
      • 10.1 CRUD
      • 10.2 API
        • 10.2.1 Download Book’s Code
        • 10.2.2 API Endpoints
    • 11. Working with real data
      • 11.1 Get Data Asynchronous
      • 11.2 Refactoring
      • 11.3 Update Data
      • 11.4 Delete Data
    • 12. HTTP Clients
      • 12.1 Introduction
      • 12.2 Vue-resource
      • 12.3 Axios
      • 12.4 Integrating axios
      • 12.5 Enhancing Functionality
        • 12.5.1 Edit Stories
        • 12.5.2 Create New Stories
        • 12.5.3 Store & Update Unit
      • 12.6 JavaScript File
      • 12.7 Source Code
      • 12.8 Homework
        • 12.8.1 Preface
        • 12.8.2 API Endpoints
        • 12.8.3 Your Code
    • 13. Pagination
      • 13.1 Implementation
      • 13.2 Pagination Links
      • 13.3 Homework
  • III Building Large-Scale Applications
    • 14. ECMAScript 6
      • 14.1 Introduction
        • 14.1.1 Compatibility
      • 14.2 Variable Declarations
        • 14.2.1 Let Declarations
        • 14.2.2 Constant Declarations
      • 14.3 Arrow Functions
      • 14.4 Modules
      • 14.5 Classes
      • 14.6 Default Parameter Values
      • 14.7 Template literals
    • 15. Advanced Workflow
      • 15.1 Compiling ES6 with Babel
        • 15.1.1 Installation
        • 15.1.2 Configuration
        • 15.1.3 Build alias
        • 15.1.4 Usage
        • 15.1.5 Homework
      • 15.2 Workflow Automation with Gulp
        • 15.2.1 Task Runners
        • 15.2.2 Installation
        • 15.2.3 Usage
        • 15.2.4 Watch
        • 15.2.5 Homework
      • 15.3 Module Bundling with Webpack
        • 15.3.1 Module Bundlers
        • 15.3.2 Webpack
        • 15.3.3 Installation
        • 15.3.4 Usage
        • 15.3.5 Automation
      • 15.4 Summary
    • 16. Working with Single File Components
      • 16.1 The vue-cli
        • 16.1.1 Vue’s Templates
        • 16.1.2 Installation
        • 16.1.3 Usage
      • 16.2 Webpack Template
        • 16.2.1 Project Structure
        • 16.2.2 index.html
        • 16.2.3 Hello.vue
        • 16.2.4 App.vue
        • 16.2.5 main.js
      • 16.3 Forming .vue Files
        • 16.3.1 Nested Components
    • 17. Eliminating Duplicate State
      • 17.1 Sharing with Properties
      • 17.2 Global Store
    • 18. Swapping Components
      • 18.1 Dynamic Components
        • 18.1.1 The is special attribute
        • 18.1.2 Navigation
    • 19. Vue Router
      • 19.1 Installation
      • 19.2 Usage
      • 19.3 Named Routes
      • 19.4 History mode
      • 19.5 Nested routes
      • 19.6 Auto-CSS active class
        • 19.6.1 Custom Active Class
      • 19.7 Route Object
      • 19.8 Dynamic Segments
      • 19.9 Route Alias
      • 19.10 Programmatic Navigation
      • 19.11 Transitions
        • 19.11.1 Introduction
        • 19.11.2 Usage
        • 19.11.3 3rd-party CSS animations
      • 19.12 Navigation Guards
      • 19.13 Homework
    • 20. Closing Thoughts
    • 21. Further Learning
      • 21.1 Tutorials
      • 21.2 Videos
      • 21.3 Books
      • 21.4 Open source projects
      • 21.5 Awesome Vue

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