[FoxmindEd] Шаблоны разработки корпоративных приложений (2018)

Автор: FoxmindEd
Название: Шаблоны разработки корпоративных приложений (2018)

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Введение в шаблоны корпоративных приложений
  • OOP
  • UML
  • Понятие паттерна и история их создания
  • Практика
Логика слоя предметной области
  • Организация domain logic
    • Transaction Script
    • Domain Model
    • Table Module
    • Service Layer
  • Организация Layers
Шаблоны работы с данными
  • Data Source
    • Data Accessor
    • Table Data Gateway
    • Row Data Gateway
    • Active Record
    • Data Mapper
  • Resource Pattern
    • Resource Decorator
    • Resource Pool
    • Resource Timer
    • Resource Descriptor
    • Retryer
  • Input and Output Patterns
    • Selection Factory
    • Domain Object Factory
    • Update Factory
    • Domain Object Assembler
    • Paging Iterator
  • Cache Patterns
    • Cache Accessor
    • Demand Cache
    • Primed Cache
    • Cache Search Sequence
    • Cache Collector
    • Cache Replicator
    • Cache Statistics

ORM Paterns
  • Behavioral
    • Unit of Work
    • Identity Map
    • Lazy Load
  • Metadata Mapping
    • Metadata Mapping
    • Query Object
    • Repository
  • Structural
    • Identity Field
    • Foreign Key Mapping
    • Association Table Mapping
    • Dependent Mapping
    • Embedded Value
    • Serialized LOB
    • Single Table Inheritance
    • Class Table Inheritance
    • Concrete Table Inheritance
    • Inheritance Mappers
Presentation Patterns
  • Delegation (When Not to Use Inheritance)
  • Interface
  • Abstract Superclass
  • Interface and Abstract Class
  • Immutable
  • Marker Interface
  • Object Pool
  • Filter
  • Read-only Interface
  • Dynamic Linkage
  • Virtual Proxy
  • Cache Management
ДЕНЬ ТРЕТИЙ (17.11):
Complex Patterns
  • Distribution Patterns
    • Remote Facade
    • Data Transfer Object
  • Offline Concurrency Patterns
    • Optimistic Offline Lock
    • Pessimistic Offline Lock
    • Coarse-Grained Lock
    • Implicit Lock
  • Session State Patterns
    • Client Session State
    • Server Session State
    • Database Session State
  • Web Presentation Patterns:
    • Model View Controller
    • Page Controller
    • Front Controller
    • Template View
    • Transform View
    • Two-Step View
    • Application Controller
Distribution Patterns:
  • Remote Facade
  • Data Transfer Object
Offline Concurrency Patterns:
  • Optimistic Offline Lock
  • Pessimistic Offline Lock
  • Coarse Grained Lock
  • Implicit Lock
Session State Patterns
  • Client Session State
  • Server Session State
  • Database Session State
Base Patterns:
  • Gateway
  • Mapper
  • Layer Supertype
  • Separated Interface
  • Registry
  • Value Object
  • Money
  • Special Case
  • Plugin
  • Service Stub
  • Record Set

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