[Greaterthangatsby.com] Коллекция экшенов The Radiance Collection

A perfect complement to any photographer’s toolkit, this Photoshop action set transforms everyday photos into beautiful and dreamy works of art, all with a few clicks of the mouse. Packed with unique workflow tools and numerous correctors and enhancements, this striking action set contains a little bit of everything from basic retouch tools to time-saving workflow essentials.

Идеальное дополнение к инструментарию любого фотографа, этот набор действий Photoshop превращает повседневные фотографии в красивые и мечтательные произведения искусства, и все это несколькими щелчками мыши. Этот впечатляющий набор действий, оснащенный уникальными инструментами для рабочего процесса и многочисленными исправлениями и улучшениями, содержит в себе понемногу всего - от базовых инструментов ретуши до предметов первой необходимости, экономящих время.

Exposure Adjustment
  • Underexposure Quick Fix
  • Overexposure Quick Fix
Basic Retouch Brushes
  • Natural Skin Smoother
  • Iris Sparkle
  • Whiten Eye Whites
  • Whiten Teeth
Complete Workflow Color Base
  • Clean Edit Color Base
Color Edit Add-Ons
  • Sunlit Summer Solstice
  • Organically Subtle
  • Bold Unbridled Light
  • In Stark Contract
  • Flare For The Dramatic
Artistic Enhancements
  • Sweet Sun Shower
  • Gossip in the Grain
  • American Honey
  • Sister For Sale
  • Hammers and Strings
  • Pin Your Wings
  • Medicate the Kids
  • Life In A Venti Cup
  • Stay Gold Ponyboy
  • Just Watch The Fireworks
  • Lucky Denver Mint
  • Airplane Hands
  • White Picket Fence
  • Ghost Man on Third
  • Fear of Flying
  • Kung Fu Grip Kiss
  • Something Old
  • Something New
  • Something Borrowed
  • Something Blue
  • PLAY THEM ALL (Base + Enhancements)
Tone Enhancement Brushes
  • Eternal Sunshine
  • Gypsy Soul
  • Elevator Buttons
  • Passenger Seat
  • Brushfire Fairytale
  • London Fog
  • Dusk and Summer
  • Paper Doll
  • Fall Foliage
  • Secret Handshake
  • Eskimo Joe’s
  • Dust of Retreat
Complete Workflow Black & White
  • Clean Edit B/W Base
B/W Artistic Enhancements
  • Colorblind
  • Silver Screen
  • Moonstruck
  • Vanity Fair
  • Patina
  • PLAY THEM ALL (Base + Enhancements)
The Haze Gallery
  • Smoke Screen Haze
  • Subtle Haze
  • Icy Haze
  • Pastel Haze
  • Ruby Haze
  • Purple Haze
  • Fresh Spring Haze
  • Ivory Haze
  • Peach Glaze Haze
  • Lazy Sunny Haze
  • Dirty Sunny Haze
  • Softening Dehaze
Finishing Touches
  • Bright Matte Finish
  • Simple Matte Finish
  • Rich Matte Finish
  • Indian Paintbrush
  • Beautiful Blurred Backdrop
Workflow Tools
  • Tint it Warm
  • Tint it Cool
  • Contrast Blast
  • Bold Desat Contrast
  • Noise Reduction
  • Rescue Me
  • Mirror Mirror
  • Take a Snapshot
  • Revert to Original
Bonus Brushes
  • Selective Fill Flash
  • Selective Darken
  • Selective Color Pop
  • Selective Blur
  • Selective Sharpen
  • Selective Contrast
  • Soft Vignette
  • Bold Vignette
  • Dark Red Vignette
  • Dark Green Vignette
  • Dark Blue Vignette
  • Paint-On Rich Vignette
Color Cast Correcting Brushes
  • Specific Color Corrector
  • Color Neutralizer
  • Color Pop & Color Drop
  • Shed the Red
  • Oust the Orange
  • Mellow the Yellow
  • Clean the Green
  • Ban the Cyan
  • Adieu to Blue
  • Muck the Magenta
Resizing and Sharpening
  • Facebook Resize and Sharpen 960px
  • Facebook Resize and Sharpen 2048px
  • Exact Dimension Resize and Sharpen
  • Sharpen For Print