Swimwear Photography - Lighting, Posing, and Retouching, на английском (Joey Wright)

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Joey Wright: Swimwear Photography - Lighting, Posing, and Retouching

Fstoppers has teamed up with to produce an extensive tutorial on all things swimwear photography. Swimwear Photography: Lighting, Posing, and Retouching is an extensive educational course that walks you through every aspect of Joey's swimwear business. Set in the exotic Caribbean country of Curacao, Joey and his creative team explore everything that goes into his commercial shoots including, how he uses natural light, scrims, reflectors, and strobe lights, as well as preproduction elements such as hair and makeup, wardrobe, scouting, model selection, and every piece of Joey's photography kit. Joey also shares an extremely in-depth section on posing your model so you can achieve perfect body language and positioning with any model of any experience level.

Joey Wright's Swimwear Photography tutorial has become the longest running tutorial Fstoppers has ever produced with a runtime of over 20 hours! With a total of 43 files, this series explores over eight hours of on-location shooting and demonstrations, as well as 12 hours of post-production in which Joey teaches you every step in his retouching and client-proofing workflow.

Что входит в курс:

  • Съемка с натуральным светом
  • Использование серебряного, золотого и белого отражателя
  • Как эффективно использовать флаги
  • Использование вспышек и различных модификаторов света
  • Как выбрать модель
  • Советы по работе с макияжем и волосами
  • Обсуждение стиля
  • Использование перспективы и диафрагмы
  • Выбор локации
  • Оборудование для съемки
  • Постпродакшн, редактирование рав и ретушь кожи
  • Интервью с Ли Моррис о маркетинге и ценооброзовании
Что вы получите:

  • 8 часов видео съемок на локации
  • 12 часов видео постпродакшина
  • 30 высококачественных рав файлов
  • Пользовательские пресеты, экшены и кисти Joey Wright
  • 7 полных эпизодов с бэкстейджем
  • 43 видео урока(1080p, 23.9fps,H.264 mpg4, более 33GB материала)