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- [Videouroki] Английский язык 7 класс. ФГОС (Дмитрий Тарасов)
[Videouroki] Английский язык 7 класс. ФГОС (Дмитрий Тарасов)
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С помощью видеоурока вы можете показать то, что никогда не сможете показать на доске.
Каждый ученик получит объяснение нового материала в полном объеме без ваших лишних усилий и независимо от вашего самочувствия и настроения.
Видеоуроки помогут вам уверенно заменить отсутствующих коллег или помочь освоить урок своему собственному ребенку.
Список уроков:
- Present, Past, Future Simple (review)
- Past Simple vs. Present Perfect (review)
- Present Continuous (review)
- Word formation. Adjective suffixes
- Describing character
- Large numerals. Dates
- Adjectives. Degrees of comparisons (review)
- Famous people. William Shakespeare
- The Gerund
- Superstitions
- Can I help you?
- Who is who?
- Talking on the telephone. Telephone numbers
- Question tags
- THE with geographical names (continents, countries, cities)
- Countries and their capitals
- Word formation. Noun suffixes
- Countries, nationalities and languages
- Quiz. Let's explore Europe!
- English-speaking countries
- Relative pronouns
- Russia
- Questions beginning with HOW (review)
- Winter morning. Alexander Pushkin
- The Passive Voice (Present, Past, Future Simple Passive)
- Australia
- Quantifiers
- Transport
- Prepositions. Asking and giving directions
- Modals. Must, have to, should
- Schools in Britain
- Possessive pronouns and adjectives
- Conditional II
- Complex Object
- Hear vs. Listen
- Quiz. Book Zone
- Sport
- Adverbs. Degrees of сomparison (review)
- Money
- Vitamins. Healthy food
- Health is above wealth
- Healthy lifestyle
- The History of the Olympic Games
- Study, learn, teach
- What's the news?
- Types of films
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